Who’s on Facebook?

Is your school on Facebook?

Why not?

Eric Sheninger thinks you should think again. He went from a strong no social media policy two years ago to fully embracing it. He speaks eloquently (at last week’s #140edu conference) about why your school should also be there.

  • Communications: makes it far easier to communicate with stakeholders, such as parents, community, students
  • Public Relations: way easier to toot your horn on Facebook than to get an article in the paper. There might be negative comments? Well, of course. Those conversations are already happening. Wouldn’t you rather they happened where you can address rumor and misinformation or explain the situation?
  • Student Engagement: he tells of significantly increased student engagement and performance in classes where social media and technology are being used. Don’t worry, everything being done MUST be based on sound pedagogy – it doesn’t mean just bells and whistles.
Check out The Nerdy Teacher’s blog post about Eric’s talk at the #140edu conference. Do what he says – watch Eric starting at 1:14:30. It’s worth your time.

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